
Clinical Blogs — quality sleep

We are all busy but don’t deprive yourself of quality sleep!

quality sleep

We are all busy but don’t deprive yourself of quality sleep!

Do you have enough sleep every night? Long term sleep deprivation can be detrimental to our health. Memory loss, weight gain, weakened immune function and increasing the risk of high blood pressure are only some of the consequences. The more acute effects like headaches, reduction of mental alertness and lack of energy during the day are commonly seen. We all have our own priorities every day but we should put back some quality time for our body to regenerate at night. Benefits of sleeping well: Stimulates thinking Helps memory Keeps hunger in check Improves your mood Raises your attention level...

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Sleep is an important part of our lives

quality sleep

Sleep is an important part of our lives

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Sleep and Inflammation

quality sleep

Sleep and Inflammation

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Healthy sleep

quality sleep

Healthy sleep

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Quantity and quality of sleep

quality sleep

Quantity and quality of sleep

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