Many people drink cow's milk on a daily basis and milk is their staple food. However, do you know milk may have harmful effects on the body? Let's check out some of the recent evidence.
Higher milk intake is linked to acne development
Bone fractures
High milk intake is associated with higher fracture incidence in women. Osteoporotic bone fracture rates are the highest in countries that consume the most dairy, calcium and animal protein
- Studies have shown a link between drinking cow’s milk and prostate cancer
- Observational studies have shown higher dairy intake is linked to higher ovarian cancer risk
Milk allergy
One of the most common food allergies is milk allergy
Lactose intolerance
Milk contains lactose that commonly causes abdominal discomfort like nausea, cramps, bloating and diarrhea.
Calcium from milk is not absorbed well
It’s about time to rethink if you should continue to drink cow’s milk. There are many plant-based choices like organic soy milk and almond milk to choose from. These healthy beverages are also rich in protein and other nutrients.
A high quality and easy to digest protein shake, PureNourish Natural, is also a healthy choice. It is made from pea and cranberry protein.
Besides protein, other nutrients like calcium and magnesium are important for bone and heart health too.
Nutrifii Magnical-D is a good option:
- Safe & effective calcium supplement
- Highest absorbable form of calcium, magnesium with other healthy bone elements
Last but not least, healthy balanced diet with moderate amount of exercise are all essential component for overall welling being including bone and heart health.
BMJ 2014;349:g6015
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 89, Issue 5, 1 May 2009, Pages 1638S–1642S
Malosse D, Perron H, Sasco A, Seigneurin JM. Correlation between milk and dairy product consumption and multiple sclerosis prevalence: a worldwide study. Neuroepidemiology 1992;11:304-12.
Spencer EH, Ferdowsian HR, Barnard ND. Diet and acne: a review of the evidence. Int J Dermatol 2009;48:339-47.