
Clinical Blogs — mineral

Minerals and Other Nutrients for A Healthy Liver!

liver health mineral nutrient

Minerals and Other Nutrients for A Healthy Liver!

There are many minerals and other nutrients that are beneficial for your liver: Minerals: Copper and Manganese - essential for liver detoxification process Selenium - helps to reduce free radicals and may prevent insulin resistance Vanadium - helps to improve insulin sensitivity-> better blood sugar control Zinc - protects liver from free radicals damage. It is an important cofactor for regulation the metabolism of carbs, fat and protein. Chromium - increases insulin receptors Other Nutrients: Omega 3 fatty acids - can reverse fatty liver according to an animal study Coenzyme Q10 - has been shown to reduce the damage of...

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Water retention caused by ingesting too much salt


Water retention caused by ingesting too much salt

Sodium is concentrated on the outside of your cells, in contrast with potassium, which exists predominantly inside your cells. The amount of sodium in the extracellular fluid helps determine the amount of water your body retains. If your sodium intake is high, your kidneys cut back on releasing water into your urine so you can balance out the excess sodium surrounding your cells. This results in an increased blood volume due to water retention. Symptoms include edema, or swelling, in various parts of your body.

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Nutrients and Depression: What is The Relation?

emotion control mineral 維生素

Nutrients and Depression: What is The Relation?

These are some of the vitamins that have been shown to affect our mood:  Vitamin B's (especially B1, B2 and B6) 10 times of RDA were used in study shown to improve mood Folic Acid (B9) Study shows that the average level of folic acid is about 25% lower in patients with depression Daily intake of 500 mcg can help improve the effects of anti-depressants Important nutrient for the metabolism of our brain Minerals and our mood also have strong relation: Calcium Antidepressants like SSRI can affect the absorption of calcium into bone Magnesium (Mg) Deficiency of Mg links to...

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